NSG 4076 Week 6 Project – Developing a Care Plan – Continued

Disaster Planning

The geographical location of the aggregate is in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are two natural disasters that are very common in Florida and these are wildfires and hurricanes. Wildfires in Florida usually occur during the intense heat of summer, but they can occur at any time of the year. These wildfires can occur from a small spark such as cigarette butt or even a lightning strike. These wildfires tend to happen in the Everglades, but the large flame walls and dark smoke can cause road closures. It is important for all clients and employees at Archways to know exit routes in case of a fire. The main natural disaster that Florida is always concerned with is hurricanes. Florida is known for experiencing many hurricanes and tropical storms every year. Thankfully, with the advances in weather technology, we are able to prepare for a hurricane before it makes landfall. Archways has a hurricane plan in advance for their clients. At the beginning of hurricane season, water, nonperishable foods, batteries, and flashlights are purchased for clients. As the storm approaches, medications are filled for 2 to 4 weeks in advance in order to ensure that client will have their medication even if Archways is closed. The residential facilities are also equipped with water, nonperishable foods, batteries, flashlights, and generators. Clients are taught the importance of staying indoors while the storm is passing and staying in their rooms until they are advised that it is safe to come outdoors. Residential clients are also encouraged to leave the facility with family if they have a safe place to stay. It has been noted that residential clients cope better during a storm if they are with family rather than at the facility. After the storm, many times, clients are not able to communicate with family due to phone lines being down. Planning for a storm can be stressful for these clients, and reassuring them that there is a plan in place will help ease their stressors.


How to prepare for a disaster. (2020, November 15). https://floridadisaster.com/how-to- prepare.

Providing Quality Behavioral Healthcare Since 1983. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from


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